Our testimonials

Read some of our repeat customers feedback​

It was my best trip so far and I really enjoyed the experience. The trip was very well planned and executed. Hotel location was excellent. I will highly recommend them.
Pankaj Jha
Pankaj Jha Patna, Bihar
Our stay was excellent and the driver was very good. It was a memorable trip overall. They did a great job. Keep up the good service.
Chandan Mukherjee
Chandan Mukherjee Kolkata, West Bengal
This was my first trek to Sandakphu and Sandakphu and Beyond made it a successful one. The stay was very comfortable and the trip was well managed. Everything was nicely organized. Thank you team Sandakphu and Beyond!
Partha Sarkar
Partha Sarkar Siliguri, West Bengal

Ready to adventure and enjoy natural