Sitting on the banks of a huge lake, Mirik is yet another beautiful hill town of North Bengal. Coming from the Lepcha word Mir-Yok, the word Mirik means “place burnt by fire”. It is a very popular tourist attraction, widely known for its climate, natural beauty and easy accessibility. The hill town has more to offer than just mountains and lakes. One of the major attraction is the Sumendu Lake which is surrounded by the garden named Savitri Pushpaudyan (after Savitri Thapa, a martyr soldier of INA). You can either indulge in some boating for a romantic gateway or maybe visit the temples. If you are a nature’s child you can pay a visit to the gardens and the beautiful orchids. Mirik indeed has something or the other for variant travelers. This little town is well populated, but not overly crowded and offers with some excellent viewpoints. The idea of going to Mirik will never really disappoint you.

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